If you peoples didn't get it yet. This will be a public blog. Meaning everyone who's been invited may post at anytime they want. Topics can be random.

If you have your mind on something, post it.
Need some advice, post it.
Want everyone to see a video/song, post it.
Randomly need to blaahblahblah to the world, POST IT.

We're trying to bring the UL together through a blog. We know you all know how to blog by now.

You will gain BONUS EXP if you post often.

Theres no rules on this mates. Just post what you want, spread the word, and be yourself.

Sound good?
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Well, here we go. First post in the UL Blog.

For you randomers reading this;

The Unique Lunatic group started on a 3D Chat called IMVU by a few friends. (And I can't remember who's idea it was)

This group consists of 20 or so people from different countries of the world,
all friends on the IMVU social networking site. The group has spread from IMVU, to MSN, Facebook, and now here. Where next? Who knows.

As for you people who know all this already, you can skip it.

I think that's all for now, unless Jesse and etc have more to add.

See ya!
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